Twenty-Two To Zero… Democrats: Ignorance or Animus?
by Gerald A. Honigman Democrats had their latest debate to see who will oppose President Trump in 2020 on December 19th. Questions regarding the Trump Administration’s new policies regarding the Middle East came up–the controversial Settlement Issue in particular. Among others, Senator Bernie the Red and ex-VP Joe Biden offered alleged words of wisdom. Here’s some excerpts: “Former vice president Joe Biden said that President Trump is ‘no longer being an honest broker in Israel,’ and called promote the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ‘There’s no solution for Israel other than the two-state solution…It’s not possible to have a Jewish state…without there being a two-state solution. ‘Bibi Netanyahu and I know one another well. He knows that I think what he’s doing is outrageous. What we do is we have to put pressure constantly on the Israelis to move to a two-state solution.” At one time, to his credit, Biden used to also talk about justice for another people—almost 40 million truly stateless Kurds, in particular. For a variety of reasons, he’s dropped that like a hot potato. As stated, Joe knows Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu well–along with his earlier Likud predecessor, the late prime minister, Israeli War of Independence fighter for Zion Reborn…Menachem Begin. See how that relationship went in these next excerpts: “Unfortunately, if the past is any indication of what can be expected from the man who would oppose President Trump in 2020, Biden–when it’s not milk the Hebrew time, will not be much better than the Jihadis’ new American Democrat Congressional Representatives, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and their various other Left of Lenin dhimmi pals… Not convinced yet? I hate bullies…don’t you? In well-documented reports, in addition to being one of Obama’s attack dogs, Biden used similar strong arm tactics with Israel’s late Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, back in 1982–banging on the table with his fists to try to intimidate the Holocaust surviving, Jewish freedom fighter into relinquishing his resurrected nation’s barest security needs to American State Department, oil-tainted ‘no friends, just interests’ policies…the same ones still shafting Kurds to this very day. Again, I know Joe has called himself ‘pro-Israel,’ especially during Hebrew-milking season. But I never expected, as an American senator or vice president, that Biden would be ‘pro-Israel.’ America should be as objective as possible and strive for good relations with all nations. I just don’t want various Joes to unfairly place the sole, minuscule, State of the Jews in a vise because it refuses to accept all that they want to shove down its throat on behalf of Arabs and others who would have it dead in a heartbeat if they could. And a forced return by Israel to the suicidal ’49 armistice lines–what the partial annexation and settlement issues are largely all about–that Biden has demanded would be a step in that direction… Has Biden ever banged a table or threatened Arabs over their far worse murderous, rejectionist attitudes and intransigence?” Unfortunately, these are not simply aberrations anymore. The era of true Liberal Democrats–like Henry “Scoop” Jackson and Daniel Patrick Moynihan–is long gone. It’s been hijacked by an intolerant, “Progressive” Left which diverts attention from its own self-centered agenda and duplicity by pointing fingers elsewhere. Let’s turn the clock back and see some of what I mean. Since the part of the debate being reviewed is about American policy in the Middle East, let’s stick with similar subject matter which Democrats were lecturing millions about on December19th… Back on September 23, 2010, President Obama spoke before the United Nations and spent a good amount of time focusing upon the Arab-Israel situation… “Peace must be made by Israelis and Palestinians…Those who are friends of Israel must understand that true security for the Jewish state requires an independent Palestine–one that allows the Palestinian people to live with dignity and opportunity. And those who are friends of the Palestinians must understand that the rights of the Palestinian people will be won only through peaceful means — including genuine reconciliation with a secure Israel.” At first glance, sounds reasonable, right ? But look more closely… “…true security for the Jewish state requires an independent Palestine — one that allows the Palestinian people to live with dignity and opportunity.” While I also see nothing theoretically wrong with that either, did/do President Obama, the UN, Biden, Sanders, Buttigieg, Warren, and so forth lecture that Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya and other nations in North Africa–lands which Arabs refer to as theirs and theirs only –that “security” for Arabs there requires that Arabs also grant dignity and opportunity to some 35 million of North Africa’s truly stateless native people, the Amazigh and Kabyle–those whom outsiders often call “Berbers”…the people who resisted the Caliphal imperialist, Jihadi, colonizing Arab/Arabizing invasions for centuries? Dignity ? The Imazighen have not even been allowed to practice their own culture, nor speak their own language. Increasingly, they’ve been told they can’t even name their children with their own names, but must use Arab/Islamic ones instead. Those who protest these basic human rights—let alone political ones–are jailed, murdered, and so forth. Who protests these issues? When will Democrats lecture Arabs and debate these matters–or the plight of scores of millions of other non-Arab folks…Copts; murdered, displaced, enslaved black African Sudanese; Kurds; Assyrians; native “kilab yahud” (those whom Arabs call “their” Jew dogs); and others as well? From time to time, such subjects were somewhat discussed but were quickly shoved onto back burners. Only the Arabs’ cause remains persistent…and only in the Mandate of Palestine. Forget about the hypocritical Iranian mullahs’ own and really suppressed 8 million Arabs in the western, oil-rich Khuzestan/ “Arabistan” province–over which the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s was largely fought over. Has the plight of the Ahwazi Arabs ever been debated in the General Assembly or Security Council? Who warns Arabs that for them to have security, they must first also grant political, cultural, and basic human rights to those tens of millions of North Africa’s true Amazigh natives, almost 40 million native Kurds…and independence, too, if desired? The creation of the proposed second, not first, Arab state that Democrats demand in the original 1920 post-World War I Mandate of Palestine (Jordan was created in 1922 on almost 80% of the land) will require yet another partition of that original Mandate. Arabs, indeed, already had another proposed partition of the remaining 20% of the land in 1947. That would have awarded almost 90%of the original total to Arab nationalism–in another of its many subspecies. Arabs rejected it for the same reason they reject a sole, minuscule State of the Jews today: No Israel–regardless of size–is acceptable in a region most Arabs simply refer to as “purely Arab patrimony” and the Dar ul-Islam. But, returning to those other peoples, why not a partition in North Africa which gives its true native, non-Arab people control over their own destiny? Why not a partition in the former Mandate of Mesopotamia, where millions of native Kurds were indeed promised independence before a collusion of British petroleum politics and Arab nationalism shafted them big time? Arab Iraq emerged in control of the entire Mandate instead……0.0..5536…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz.lUUpXm2EzfM&ved=0ahUKEwiW6IC948HlAhUMnawKHXS4CDwQ4dUDCAo Unlike Arabs, who already have almost two dozen states by conquering lands mostly from others, all of these Arab, Turk, and/or Iranian-oppressed peoples have none. Here’s a Special Dispatch of MEMRI on May 3, 2007, written by Belkacem Lounes of the World Amazigh Congress, responding to this mostly ignored situation. Answering Libya’s Arab leader, Qaddafi’s, denial of the very existence of the Amazigh people, Lounes replied: “The people of whom you speak…speak their own Amazigh language daily… live their Amazigh identity…What worse offense to elementary rights is there than denying the existence of a people…30 million in North Africa? You menace the Amazigh, warning that whosoever asserts his identity will be a traitor…identical problems in Algeria and Morocco…There is no worse colonialism than internal colonialism–that of the Pan-Arabist claim that seeks to dominate our people. It is surely Arabism–an imperialist ideology that refuses diversity–that constitutes an offense to history and truth…” Follow these additional excerpts from the New English Review on January 18, 2008 and reported in on July 3, 2009. Note the collusion of Big Oil with Arab nationalism again: “In Algeria, Berbers were forbidden to use their own language, Tamazight…riots erupted, reported in France but ignored elsewhere in the West…America, of course, had been sufficiently subject to ARAMCO (the Arabian American Oil Company) propaganda, a payoff to the Saudis by Big Oil, to allow the latter to produce and market Arab oil. So, ARAMCO’s message to America was that there is just an Arab world in this region in which there are no Copts, Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Turkmen…and, of course, no Berbers and no Jews–they all came to Israel, you see, from Europe for everyone in this region is just Arab” Where’s the special UN sessions on these matters? Has anyone ever heard a world leader even mutter a word about such things? Have I missed a New York Times editorial, a CNN broadcast, or a lecture by the numerous, assorted, duplicitous anti-Israel crew in academia? When do the plight of these non-Arab peoples become worthy enough to make it into a Democrat debate—or for that matter, that of others’ as well? A good Republican, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, told Kurds, repeatedly, to forget about such things…as did another, Arab oil potentate-milking Secretary of State James Baker III, best buddy of fellow oil man, President George H.W. Bush. Condi had a Chevron oil tanker named for her, and Baker’s law firm–among other things–has represented Saudi Arabia in the American 9/11’s victims’ case filed against the kingdom…Hey, but let’s talk about the power of the Israel lobby instead. The sad truth is that if it’s not Israel allegedly involved, the silence about such nastiness is most often deafening–at least for those in quest of real, and therefore, relative — justice in the Middle East…what is all about. Now who of you, dear readers, know anything of the above? Do you ever wonder why this is so, while hearing non-stop about how Arabs are allegedly denied justice because they “only” have twenty-one states to date, with another in the oven ? Have your professors discussed those other peoples with you at the same time that they were pointing duplicitous fingers at admittedly imperfect Jews? The problem with Carter’s, Obama’s, and the overall approach by the assorted Bidens, John Kerrys, Sanders, Warrens, Condoleezza and Susan Rices, Samantha Powers, James Bakers, and other hypocrites in regards to Middle East “peace making” is that they all insist, to one degree or another, that Israel collaborate with their hypocrisy. Again, in the realm of man, justice is indeed a relative term–rarely, if ever, absolute. Yet Arabs and their various rah rah squads insist in dealing simply with absolutes… As we’ve seen, despite scores of millions of stateless, subjugated, and intimidated non-Arab peoples in those lands, Arabs refer to the latter simply as “purely Arab patrimony”–and act to insure that they stay that way or become so. And that’s why, at best, President Obama’s 2010 UN speech was delusional–and the demands of the current crop of Democrat leaders are either born of ignorance or animus. They join the world chorus demanding a 22nd state for Arabs, knowing full well that even the alleged “moderates” of that proposed new state absolutely refuse to recognize Israel as a State of the Jews; engage in such things as “pay to slay,” where Arabs are encouraged to murder Jews to collect large payoffs for themselves and their families; call any negotiations with Jews a “Trojan Horse;” and other such goodies… And they’re the alleged moderates–the folks Biden, Sanders, & Co. expect Israel to bare the necks of its children and give away the store to. They oppose Secretary of State Pompeo’s (and thus President Trump’s) call for the territorial compromise built into the final draft of UNSC Resolution 242–what the Settlement Issue is mostly all about—and insist, instead, that the 9-15 mile-wide, ‘49 Auschwitz/armistice lines (not official borders), which were imposed upon and defined pre-’67 War Israel, will exist into perpetuity. Additionally, while the subject has not come up (yet?), these folks are of the same ilk as others who demand that Israel also allow itself to be inundated with millions of allegedly “returning” Arab refugees–some who are descendants of people who became refugees in the first place because of a supremacist, subjugating mindset which allows no one else except Arabs rights in the region, and have been raised on murderous Jew-hatred since Muhammad decapitated hundreds of his Jewish hosts–who granted him refuge in their date palm oasis of Medina during his flight (hijra) from his enemies in Mecca. They refused to accept the Prophet of Islam as the new ultimate source of Divine wisdom and king of the hill on the political scene–and lost their heads, and their women and children were enslaved, as a result. As many or more Jews fled so-called “Arab”/Muslim lands than Arabs who fled in the opposite direction due to an attack on a nascent Israel in 1948 by a half dozen Arab states. Thus, Arabs–whom Democrats and others now coddle–not only expect that the latter-day Arafatians-in-suits’ and PA’s Fatahland and/or Hamastan will emerge as their 22nd state, but expect that Israel, itself, will consent–with outside pressure–to becoming a 23rd Arab nation as well. The unfortunate reality is that, for most Arabs (who have any say in the matter), there is never a win-win solution to any of this. Justice is for Arabs only. For such folks the regional score must always be, at the very least … Arabs twenty-two…all others, zero. That Americans of any political party agree with them is an utter disgrace.