Jews: Redeem Your Honor And Cut The Funding
by Gerald A. Honigman
It truly pains me to have to say this…
Over the years, my economically modest family has contributed many thousands of dollars to Israel. In times of sadness and joy, we have purchased hundreds of trees and made other contributions, as just one of many other examples, to the Jewish National Fund.
But the sort of enabling behavior–both on the domestic scene and in Israel itself– described below has to stop. A clear message must be sent. Unfortunately, those of us sending the message may be the wrong messengers.
Recently, news reports told of a proposed forty-five minute presentation by former President Bill Clinton in honor of the 90th birthday of his Israeli soul partner, President Shimon Peres. It was to be sponsored by the Jewish National Fund on behalf of Peres–or, more accurately stated, on behalf of Slick Willy himself.
For such services, Clinton, one way or another, was slated to receive more money than most folks on Planet Earth make in a lifetime–some $500,000.
The mere thought of this is nothing short of an outrageous disgrace–for both parties involved.
Firstly, despite the beliefs of many non-Jews to the contrary, not many Hebrews have a virtual Irish leprechaun’s pot of gold buried in their backyards.
While it’s true that too many of the more wealthy members of The Tribe will continue to make such contributions anyway since, in their eyes, any Democrat and “Progressive” can do no wrong, there are still others who rightly feel that their hard-earned donations on behalf of Israel should not be squandered this way.
Pathetically, acting too often like they have to prove something to someone (themselves?), Jews have a habit of honoring and financially rewarding blatantly one-sided critics of the Jewish State. Some of those recent honorees have included President Apartheid Israel Jimmy Carter and Ambassador Susan Rice–additional soul siblings of the man Jews have routinely helped elect to the highest office in the world, Barack Obama. Obama just designated Samantha Power, who, despite current efforts at whitewashing, has called for the hypothetical invasion of Israel, to be his next rep at the United Nations. In this regard, Obama’s entire team is generally cut from the same mold. Regardless, most Jews would vote him in for a third term anyway if he could run again.
Late breaking news reports that the JNF was finally forced to see the light and backed out of the funding. But the mere fact that its own inherent inclination was to do so in the first place remains very troubling–like a group associated with Yeshiva University honoring Carter and the American Jewish Committee doing likewise for Susan Rice.
Clinton–who epitomizes the comic’s mispronouncing lawyer for liar and who is the proverbial model symbolizing the Hebrew Prophet, Samuel’s, warning to the Israelites about placing trust and power in mortal kings–has long known how to milk both sides in the Arab-Israeli conflict for all that he can. Saying this, I voted for the guy–twice.
Yes, I had high hopes for the Man from Hope. But, then again, I voted for Apartheid Israel Mr. Peanut (Jimmy Carter) too–no offense intended to the delicious legumes.
Hey, you can’t say that this Florida registered NPA (Independent) hasn’t given Democrats a chance.
Thus, what I have to say next is not coming from the mouth of some right-wing fanatic, and it’s not for nothing that William Jefferson Clinton has come to be known as Slick Willy.
Like France’s Sarkozy, President Obama, and others as well, Clinton (the guy who proved he could multi-task smoking cigars, having oral sex, and talking to Congressmen on the phone in the White House all at the same time) doesn’t like Israel’s Netanyahu very much.
Truth be told, however, the real problem that Clinton and most others have with an admittedly flawed Netanyahu goes beyond his individual persona. It has lots to do, instead, with their opposition to having to deal with any Jews who dare to demand something beyond perpetual fragility in both their individual and collective existence.
The whole issue regarding settlements, for example (which has both Mr. & Mrs. Clinton, Obama, Susan Rice, Chuck Hagel, Samantha Power, John Kerry, Sarkozy, the Swedes, the Church of Scotland, the Brits, etc. and so forth all hot and bothered), has to do with whether or not Jews get to have a nation larger than their pre-’67, nine to fifteen mile wide, ’49 armistice line zipper of a state or not. Michelle Obama probably travels farther than that to shop at Target.
Recall that those UN-imposed Auschwitz/armistice lines simply marked the spots where fighting stopped after a half dozen Arab nations invaded a resurrected Israel in 1948 and were never meant to be Israel’s permanent political borders. The issue finally came to a head after the Arabs’ renewed attempt on Israel’s life in 1967, starting with their blockade of the Jewish State–a casus belli.
Repeated by necessity too often (with little choice, since too many folks like Obama and Clinton pretend they know nothing of it), at the end of those hostilities in June ’67, the final draft of UNSC Resolution 242 promised that Israel would never have to return to its former, ultra-vulnerable, armistice line existence. Real, more secure borders were promised at the end of the peace-making process instead–not a return to the status quo ante. All of the architects (Lord Caradon, Eugene Rostow, etc.) of the final draft of UNSC Resolution 242 confirmed this, as did Presidents such as Johnson and Reagan.
Now, while Obama is simply wrong in claiming that his demand of Israel to forsake 242’s promise for a reasonable territorial compromise over disputed lands to appease Arabs does not deviate from prior American policies (i.e., his own immediate predecessor, George W. Bush, gave Israel a letter stating that it was not expected to return to the ’49 armistice lines–and he called them just that, not “borders” ), it is actually the man who was until recently set to squeeze a half million dollars out of the JNF who carries most of the blame for this nasty development himself.
At Camp David and Taba in 2000 (after already having a murderous Arafat to the White House numerous times), Clinton–having a willing accomplice in another of too many Lefty Hebrew pipe-dreamers, Prime Minister Ehud Barak (now Netanyahu’s Defense Minister–with visions of becoming Prime Minister again if Obama has his way)–pressured Israel into forsaking the small semblance of justice 242 had finally granted it.
With Clinton’s arm twisting, Barak agreed to virtually abandon 242. He basically consented to give up almost all of the disputed territory in Judea and Samaria–aka the “West Bank”–where Jews have thousands of years of history and had lived clear up until the 1920s and 1930s before Arabs massacred them and the newly-morphed Transjordanian to Jordanian Arab state forbade their later residence in as well.
While Arafat refused Clinton’s offer (which included a $ 33 billion aid package in a contiguous state, not disconnected “cantons,” according to Middle East Envoy Denis Ross, who witnessed it all), that offer–in which Israel was henceforth on record (despite statements that it was supposedly “a one- time deal”) willing to abandon the more secure, defensible borders promised by 242–then became the new starting point for all subsequent negotiations.
In short, the headaches Netanyahu’s Israel now have with Team Obama can largely be traced back to William Jefferson Clinton. While this is not to say that these would not have been Obama’s own natural predilections as well, Slick Willy’s earlier machinations indeed serve as a very useful precedent.
For his part, Clinton is probably still upset that he did not get the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. But, fear not, for as can be repeatedly seen, he certainly wound up not walking away empty handed.
Scores of millions of dollars have come Bill’s way via his Arab buddies, not to mention the considerable donations that both he and his wife routinely milk from fawning Jews as well.
While it’s true that Netanyahu, a bit more than Ehud Barak (but actually not by much– unfortunately), dares to insist that the final draft of 242′s promise of more secure borders is not something that should simply be tossed out of the window, ignored is the fact that even Israel’s allegedly “moderate” latter-day Arafatian peace partners of Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas still insist that, even if Israel returns to the ’49 armistice lines, they will never recognize Israel as a state of the Jews anyway.
Furthermore, Arabs also insist that Israel–after returning to those lines–next consent to allowing itself to be overwhelmed by millions of allegedly returning Jihadi refugees. Recall that more Jews fled so-called “Arab” lands than Arabs who fled in the opposite direction due to a war that Arabs started themselves upon their invasion of the sole, minuscule, reborn Jewish state in 1948. Unlike Arabs, the Jews did not have numerous other states to choose from.
Slick Willy knows all of this, as do Obama and the State Department–of very recent memory, with Clinton’s own wife at the helm (who also likes to scream at and badmouth Israeli leaders who don’t grovel and prostrate themselves low enough to others’ demands).
Obama picked up on Clinton’s Camp David and Taba “peace” moves big time even before taking office in 2008. When he claims to simply be repeating other American leaders’ positions on these topics, no doubt it’s mostly folks like Slick Willy and Mr. Peanut whom he has in mind.
While still a senator, Obama was quoted as saying that Israel would be crazy (exact words) if it refused the alleged Saudi Peace Plan–the one that Clinton evidently also regards as the harbinger of the messianic age and hinted to above.
Obama repeated his “crazy” statement after moving into the White House and brought it up even more recently when he tried to portray Netanyahu as some sort of unreasonable extremist because Judeans–Jews–were insisting that they had a right to live in parts of Judea…what the building freeze and settlements issues are all about. It backfired on him big time, however–to the point that even one of his staunchest supporters, Senator Harry Reid, sided with Netanyahu rather than Obama on this issue.
As I have stated often before, regardless of all the above, there is no getting around these next statements if real peace is ever to come between Arab and Jew in the region…
If well over one million Arabs are allowed to live in Israel without fear for their lives or getting their own derrieres booted out, then Jews must once again be able to live in parts of Judea and Samaria as well. Those were not “purely Arab” lands and were non-apportioned territories of the original 1920 Mandate of Palestine. Recall that what is now the Arab nation of “Jordan” was itself formed from almost 80% of the Mandate’s territory in 1922, and that many, if not most, Arabs were themselves newcomers into the Mandate.
What Clinton and others are taking Netanyhau to task for (hey, Obama and perhaps Hillary will have libraries, foundations, and such someday too, and if Bill already has received scores of millions of dollars from grateful Arabs, just imagine what awaits Barack Hussein Obama, whose Administration just leaked yet more very sensitive information regarding Israel’s military defenses…no doubt the most hostile American President Israel has ever encountered) is the demand for a second state for Arabs (if not a third, if the Jews get overwhelmed in what’s left of Israel) in Palestine–not their first–and state # 22 (if not actually # 23 !) in all. Furthermore, Arabs insist that their additional state not have to make any hard compromises itself regarding the basic needs of its alleged Israeli peace partner.
But true compromise is always the key to lasting peace between parties in dispute…if peace is what is truly being sought.
Despite all of the relentless pressure it will continue to be under for at least the remainder of Obama’s second term in office, Israel must insist that the emergence of any 22nd state for Arabs not come at its own gross endangerment.
And for those (especially head-in-the-sand Hebrews) who think that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is any better when it comes to this subject and Jews in general, I have not one but several bridges for sale.
When Bill lost his bid for office in Arkansas decades ago, it was widely reported by credible sources that she screamed at a non-Jewish man associated with the campaign, calling him a “f_ _ _ ing Jew b_ _ t _ _ d.”
But, once again when it comes to the Clintons, not to worry…
As could be seen in the recent Benghazi hearings, Hillary is a good match for her hubbie when it comes to confusing at least some lawyers with liars, and this goes back a long ways–even before she was fired for lying and unethical behavior at the Watergate hearings
Furthermore, I hear that Hillary is also a Hadassah member and even received a major honor from that Women’s Zionist Organization. While she has not yet enrolled in Kabbalah classes, as a senator from New York, she no doubt has already honed her own Jew-milking skills. They will surely come in handy again in her run for President in 2016–regardless of how much grief she (like Slick Willy and The One before her) has given to any Jews wanting to live beyond their Gentile-assigned, nine to fifteen mile wide sardine can of a nation.