So, What Do the Vatican, Hamas, and the Latter-Day Arafatians Have In Common?
by Gerald A. Honigman
They’re all the new Jews!
Well, kinda, sorta…
I mean no offense to anyone, so let’s not twist what you’re going to read below. Just telling it like it is…
Recently, at a Good Friday service, , a major Vatican priest compared the scrutiny the Catholic Church is now under due to its long history of protecting child molesters to the persecution Jews have suffered–largely due to the Catholic Church itself.
Admittedly, even the Pope was thrown off guard, but still…
Ignorance is indeed bliss.
Folks have no trouble speaking about that Jew, Karl Marx, yet never speak of that Roman Catholic, Adolf Hitler.
The sad fact (meticulously documented by renown Catholic scholars like Edward Flannery, Rosemary Ruether, and others themselves) is that the road to Auschwitz was carefully paved by millennia of Church-led and/or inspired degradation, dehumanization, subjugation, demonization, and so forth of “the perfidious Jews”…those same “perpetual wanderers” whom the mildest of Church fathers, St. Augustine, argued, with those who wanted the G_d-killers slaughtered instead, should be kept alive, but in such a lowly state that when looked upon, one would recognize the unbelievers for what they were. As a consequence, such things as the mandatory ghetto (ghetta–iron foundry in Italian–the most lowly vicinity one could live in), “Jew badge,” and so forth were born.
While there are more sophisticated ways, I’m told, of interpreting the New Testament’s Gospel of John, when the average person reads him allegedly quoting Jesus calling the Jews (not just Pharisees) “sons of the Devil, doing your father’s deeds,” what impact can this sort of teaching have? Is it really a surprise that one of the first pictures in Europe of a Jew is entitled, “Aaron, Son of the Devil?”
Even the Renaissance sculptor, Michelangelo, put Devil’s horns on Moses’ head…regardless of the whitewashing some have tried to do with that as well, calling them “rays of light” instead. I’m sure that that’s what the average Gentile thought/thinks of when viewing that piece of artwork. As I’m sure that I will be the next pope.
Is it, thus, also any stretch to next learn of untold tens of thousands of Jews being massacred for “poisoning wells” and causing the Bubonic Plague…and countless other tragedies committed in the name of the Christian “Prince of Peace” encountered as a result of such religious enlightenment?
After the famous Passion Plays throughout Europe, it was common for Christians to get drunk and next go after the local “G_d Killers.”
Indeed, scholars have estimated that the numbers of Jews massacred in the name of Christianity prior to the Holocaust was at least as large as that during the Holocaust.
The Inquistions in Spain and Portugal carried out in the name of the Roman Catholic Church found my own family caught up in such acts of love–not to mention those lost later and afterwards in the Shoa.
Martin Luther–of Protestant Reformation fame–had two treatises on the Jews. In his first, he took his former church to task regarding its treatment of the latter. But, years later, when the Jews had still not seen his own, more kindly “light,” he turned on them too with a vengeance and gave Hitler the virtual blueprints for his own later policies towards Christianity’s proclaimed G_d-killers.
The plain fact is that, despite what too many folks want to believe, those carrying out the Holocaust often went to Church on Sunday and gassed Jews on Monday. There were no Martians running Treblinka or Birchenau.
I don’t like to speak of anti-Semitism. I do so very reluctantly. I don’t want to see it overplayed. But, it most certainly still exists and is once again on the rise. Additionally, today, besides Jews themselves being targeted, it is very often masked in yet another form–anti-Zionism. Substitute the Jew of the Nations for the Jew as individual, and, in a post-Auschwitz era, “special treatment” for Hebrews once again becomes kosher.
Taking the Church to task for protecting its criminals is analogous to its own millennial persecution of Jews?
If a Vatican honcho speaks in such terms, what can be expected of others?
And, in this, the Church has other disturbing company as well…
In the war of ideas to prevent anyone except themselves to have political rights in a region proclaimed by themselves to be “purely Arab patrimony,” Arabs came to realize that the very identity of the conflict with Israel would have to undergo a change.
In their attempt to create their 22nd state (and second, not first, Arab one in “Palestine”)–on the ashes of Israel, not along side of it–Arabs concluded that it would make better press and public relations to speak in terms of creating a state for “stateless Palestinians” rather than calling for the creation of yet an additional Arab state at the expense of the one of the Jews.
Hocus pocus…
Arabs, with almost two dozen states (conquered and forcibly Arabized from scores of millions of native, non-Arab peoples), would next be transformed into the likes of previously starving, truly stateless, massacred, dehumanized Jews.
Read this all-telling quote from Zuheir Mohsein of the PLO’s Executive Council in his interview with the Dutch newspaper, Trouw, on 3/31/77, to see how Arabs themselves have explained this transformation strategy…
There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians, etc… only for political reasons that we now carefully underline Palestinian identity… serves only a tactical purpose…a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel.
Icing on the cake…Arabs are not only the new Jews, but Jews are the new Nazis.
As with the above “refresher” for the Church, it seems that one is needed for Arabs and their assorted mouthpieces as well…
During Hitler’s campaign against the Jews, the ghetto in Warsaw was the largest. It held about 400,000 Jews who were told that they would be “resettled” to the East or, at worse, would be going to forced labor camps to work for the Germans.
By 1942, however, word of the Nazis’ true plans had made it into the ghetto. The cattle cars were heading for extermination camps, part of the Final Solution. While some still kept their heads in the sand (not unlike too many Jews to this day), many faced reality and joined the resistance. This was harder for Jews since they often faced the anti-Semitism of the other folks as well–not only the Germans. The full-fledged uprising of David vs. Goliath began in 1943 in the ghetto.
Armed with some pistols, home-made weapons and explosives, and some Polish rifles and such paid for dearly, the Jews took on their tormentors and embarrassed them profusely until the Nazis blasted every place they could possibly hide.
During the Holocaust, Nazis deliberately singled out the women and children first. The attractive might be used for pleasure before being murdered. Kids were killed right away as they were of no use–unless they wound up in the labs of Nazi doctors to be turned into human guinea pigs. All of this is well documented. One and half million of the six million slaughtered–for no other reason than they were Jews–were children. By the way, lots of solid evidence exists which points to the Vatican shielding such Nazi doctors as the devout Roman Catholic, Josef Mengele, after the war.
Let’s now take a look at the alleged Arab “Warsaw Ghetto.”
Unlike Jews who weren’t trying to kill any Germans nor destroy the German state, the Arabs of Gaza elected an organization dedicated to exterminating both Jews and their sole, miniscule, reborn nation.
Arabs killed in the fighting have been mostly fighters-–despite Arab claims. The non-combatants killed have been deliberately used as human shields by their own “heroes.”
Unlike Nazis who sought out every last Jew for murder, Israel has deliberately placed its own soldiers in danger on the ground, fighting door to door instead of blasting targets from afar.
Israel has repeatedly telegraphed its punch–eliminating its own element of surprise– by dropping thousands of leaflets warning of the coming response to Arab mortars and missiles launched against Jewish civilian targets in Israel proper.
Israel has even made cellular phone calls to try to avoid the deaths of non-combatant Arabs as much as possible.
Now, think about restaurants, buses, pizza parlors, shopping malls, Passover Seders, homes, teen night clubs, and so forth Arabs have deliberately targeted in Israel.
If merely killing Arabs was Israel’s goal, does anyone seriously doubt that it could have made Gaza Arabrein by now?
Recall that when the Allies fought the Nazis and Japan, they fire bombed German cities and nuked the latter. Whatever one’s feelings are about this, the “problem” was indeed solved and that war ended.
Those were, however, largely Christians doing the fighting above…
Jews are not allowed to really win their wars.
They are expected, time after time, to simply turn one cheek after the other to their enemies and settle for one sort or another of ceasefire. Remember Israel being forced, by its friends, to allow the supply of the Egyptian Third Army after being attacked by Arabs on Yom Kippur, 1973? It’s that good ol’ “special treatment” for the Jew of the Nations again…
Would any Christian state have done this for enemies determined to destroy them?
Look…Israel is fighting Arabs–regardless of who’s doing the whitewashing for them–who want it and its people dead.
No Israel, regardless of its size, is acceptable–whether to the sweet-talking, latter day Arafatians of Fatah’s Abbas, or the simply more honest folks of Hamas.
As with such nonsense coming out of the Vatican above, justice demands a much more honest assessment of that which comes out of Arab mouths as well.