You Have A treaty Of Peace With Whom?

You Have A Treaty Of Peace With Whom?

by Gerald A. Honigman

Imagine for a moment that tunnels were being dug under the Canadian-American border which were being used to import weapons that were then used to target American cities and murder and maim American civilians.

What would America do under such circumstances?

Well, first of all, despite disagreements with our neighbor to the north, which were once deep indeed (i.e. loyalty to the British Crown, for starters…many American Tories thus moved to Canada), we are blessed with overall good relations up yonder ways.

But think about the unthinkable (and keep in mind that jihadists have already made their way across that border).

The first thing we’d do is contact the Canadian leaders to take action themselves.

Now, if the problem persisted, and those folks did little or nothing to stop the problem, we’d be forced to take other measures–seeking redress before an international authority–and, if that didn’t work, we’d be forced to act on our own. And we certainly wouldn’t allow this to go on for years.

The problem is multi-faceted. But, regardless of the possibilities, if Canada still allowed its territory to be used to launch hostilities against us, then..well…would that not be an act of war? Countries have gone to war over soccer games.

Alright, consider this…

News is breaking that America has sent a team to Egypt to help destroy tunnels that have existed for years on the Egyptian side of the Gaza-Egypt border that have been used to supply Hamas & Co. with all kinds of weapons and explosives–used mostly to target Jews in Israel.

The stretch of land that is involved here is a virtual zipper–3.5 kilometers (a few miles) wide.

Compare that to the 5,000-mile wide border that America has with Canada stretching across North America.

Imagine if this was reversed, and Israel was allowing the tools of death to enter into Egypt from its territory to wage terror, murder, and destruction against Arabs.

Do I need to ask what everyone’s response would be to this?

Would Israel need America to stop this problem?

Keep in mind that Egypt has received tens of billions of dollars in aid from the United States over many years now–including top-of-the-line military equipment.

Also keep in mind that Egypt has a huge standing army and dwarfs Israel in geographical size and population.

In short, should Egypt really have to rely on America to show that it’s peace treaty with Israel–for which the latter gave back all of Sinai (a great tank trap), abandoned state-of-the-art strategic air fields it constructed, lucrative oil fields it developed, and the closest example of true strategic depth that it ever had–is really a true peace treaty and not just another version of an Arab pause before the next war…that the tunnels, which Egypt obviously permits, are used to hopefully help soften Israel up for?

The possible positive note here is that the same world view which drives Hamas is also embraced by the Muslim Brotherhood…modern Pharaoh’s own nemesis. And, as they like to say in that region, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

But should such minimal and basic civil relations between nations and peoples have to depend on this sort of thing?

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