John, Sarah, & The A Word

Brushing It Aside Won’t Make It Go Away…The A Word

by Gerald A. Honigman

So, there I was on an early Sunday morn, filleting some recently caught fish I’d never tried eating before.

To keep myself entertained while performing the least enjoyable part of my piscatorial experience, I put Fox News on (which I often do whether I agree with them or not).

Add to this the facts that I recently received a disturbing article from my cousin about some of Governor Palin’s alleged policies regarding rape victims in Alaska as well as postcards from the Democratic campaign folks warning about what lies ahead regarding abortion rights if the Republicans won in November, and…well…that’s what this article is about.

Fox was interviewing a lady who was a former Hillary supporter who now was a big McCain fan. The topic was the big drop McCain has seen lately in prospective women voters.

As the conversation progressed, a number of issues came up, but the economy, of course, was the number one culprit.

While I don’t doubt that that’s on everyone’s mind right now (including myself), it was apparent–at least to me–that there was indeed something else that would not be touched with even a ten foot pole

Look…I have very mixed feelings about abortion. I don’t like it, but I believe that there are certain circumstances which may make it a decision that should not be imposed from the outside. There’s no need to rehash repeated old arguments here.

But, just as Prohibition didn’t stop people from drinking alcohol, trying to legally impose morality on the abortion issue will go the same route. Only this time, girls will be forced back into real or virtual alleyways into the hands of butchers with hangers again. A twelve-year old raped by her brother, father, or whomever should have a better choice…etc., and so forth.

While this may not be an issue for older women who were/are especially Hillary supporters, this is certainly an issue for the younger ones…big time.

What McCain doesn’t need right now is yet another excuse for newly registered younger voters–college coeds, for example–not to vote for him. Most vote Democratic anyway. I did…wanted alternative energy options, more serious concern over environmental and conservation issues, and so forth. I still do.

So, my advice to McCain and Palin over these crucial remaining few weeks…

Spend a lot more time focusing on that Independent vote out there.

Many folks are fed up with both of the main political parties and recognize that there’s enough blame to go around on many of the main issues which implicates them all.

The Independent vote (mine included) may very likely make the difference in this election–which, by all calculations, should have been an easy Democratic victory.

McCain’s reputation as true “maverick,” able to work with the other side to get things done, is indeed well earned and gained him problems with fellow Republicans as well as praise from those who are now badmouthing him. Indeed, he is probably the best pick Republicans could have had this time around precisely because of this.

It must therefore be made very clear that a McCain-Palin Administration will not mean that their own (and those of some of their key supporters) theological or other ideology on the highly controversial issue of abortion will be rammed down everyone else’s throats. If this is not done, and it’s simply swept under the rug as was done on Fox’s Sunday interview, the Democrats may very well win on this issue alone. That’s how volatile and important it is.

While millions of young women–and men–may be willing to spread blame around for the economic crisis we now face, they won’t be so understanding on the A word.

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